About Me

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I am a scholar, writer, dancer, traveler, dreamer, adventurer, and tea connoisseur. I love to travel whether it be through volunteering in the Peace Corps, interning internationally or for my own delight.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Friends O' Mine

Ok so maybe its because its my zodiac period (shout out to those of you that are Pisces ) or maybe it's just because I'm blessed with great luck and amazing friends/family, regardless I have had a stellar week so far. My friend Sarah who I haven't seen since we were study abroad students in Australia (circa 2010) came up for the weekend to visit. Sarah  is a native of California and had never been to Knoxville let alone Tennessee, so I enthusiastically threw myself into Knoxville guide mode to give her a taste of the local atmosphere.  Two hours after I had picked her up from the airport we went to the infamous Sassy Ann's (a bar/night club in one of Knoxville's oldest Victorian homes...so old in fact that they have signs posted on the dance floor asking dancers not to stomp so vigorously to their favorite dance songs) with some of my friends. After running her ragged on Thursday, we took it easy the rest of the weekend and went to  King Tuts (another Knoxville gem), the Women's Basketball Hall of Fame,  Gatlinburg (the epitome of tacky and southern), Smokey Mountains National Park, Boyd's Jig and Reel Pub, and a local performance by Knoxville's Burlesque troop. All and all a great weekend and a perfect way to start the week. 

Since this weekend I have made it a point to throw myself out there even more before I leave for service in April. Seeing my friend Sarah reminded me that:
1) I have some of the coolest/funniest/most loyal/dorkiest/most down to earth friends out there
2) that great friendships change and yet they stand still no matter how much time has passed
3) I need to spend more time with you all before I go
4) I'm going to miss the crap out of all of you while I'm away and that even though 2 years is not huge in the long run, I'm still going to miss out on some things too.  So this is to all the friends and family that have seen me at my best and at my worst, who have been there for me or even have just put up with me at times.

Thanks!  Also an amazing thanks to my parents who support me in everything I do and shout out to my mom since today is her birthday!

On a side note, this good feeling has allowed me to get a bunch of things done this week too, I turned in all my medical paper work for the PC (whew, finally) and have started tackling items on that enormous packing list that the PC has provided.

Well I've rambled long enough. Cheers

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