Five things that happened at site this week:
1) On Thursday I made ice cream floats for my family as a dessert. They told me they liked it but they might have been being polite.
2) Mari (my host sister), her friend Nino and I had a girls night in my room and watched August Rush. We were going to watch Notting Hill but the external hard drive was having none of it.
3) My whole family and I moved our very large wood pile into our barn space so that the wood can stay dry during all of the summer thunderstorms we've been having. I think my family was concerned that I was helping them but I reassured them that there were many a day back in East TN where my family I would chop and stack firewood....not to mention pick up sticks, rocks and rake leaves (Now that I'm looking back at it, I'm pretty sure my parents had all of us so it would be easier for them to do yard work...just a theory)
4) I was only asked three times this week by people in my community if my hair was in fact my hair. That's a new record.
5) I accidentally broke one of the glass panes in my bedroom door when a gust of wind closed it quickly...oops
Five words/ phrases I've learned this week:
1) ობობა (oboba): spider...I thought with the word being oboba that it would be the translation for a much cuter animal....I was wrong
2) დარჩენა (darchena): is the verb "to stay" ...useful when my family was asking if any of my friends in Georgia would come here and stay for a weekend
3) ვირი (viri): donkey...we have one on our street who always eats the blackberries off of the bush on that corner
4) დოქი ( დoqi): yarn...i need to know they one because I want to buy some yarn at the bazaar in order to make god's eyes for camp.
5) საფული (saphule): wallet...because the former Volunteer who lived in my site before me lost her wallet the day before she COS and my family was asking me where she had lost it.
Five books that I have read while being at site:
1) Getting Stoned with the Savages - J. Maarten Troost
2) Crime and Punishment - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
1) On Thursday I made ice cream floats for my family as a dessert. They told me they liked it but they might have been being polite.
2) Mari (my host sister), her friend Nino and I had a girls night in my room and watched August Rush. We were going to watch Notting Hill but the external hard drive was having none of it.
3) My whole family and I moved our very large wood pile into our barn space so that the wood can stay dry during all of the summer thunderstorms we've been having. I think my family was concerned that I was helping them but I reassured them that there were many a day back in East TN where my family I would chop and stack firewood....not to mention pick up sticks, rocks and rake leaves (Now that I'm looking back at it, I'm pretty sure my parents had all of us so it would be easier for them to do yard work...just a theory)
4) I was only asked three times this week by people in my community if my hair was in fact my hair. That's a new record.
5) I accidentally broke one of the glass panes in my bedroom door when a gust of wind closed it quickly...oops
Five words/ phrases I've learned this week:
1) ობობა (oboba): spider...I thought with the word being oboba that it would be the translation for a much cuter animal....I was wrong
2) დარჩენა (darchena): is the verb "to stay" ...useful when my family was asking if any of my friends in Georgia would come here and stay for a weekend
3) ვირი (viri): donkey...we have one on our street who always eats the blackberries off of the bush on that corner
4) დოქი ( დoqi): yarn...i need to know they one because I want to buy some yarn at the bazaar in order to make god's eyes for camp.
5) საფული (saphule): wallet...because the former Volunteer who lived in my site before me lost her wallet the day before she COS and my family was asking me where she had lost it.
Five books that I have read while being at site:
1) Getting Stoned with the Savages - J. Maarten Troost
2) Crime and Punishment - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
3) The Road - Cormac McCarthy (Yay Knoxvillian!)
4) The Dharma Bums - Jack Kerouac
5) Lost on Planet China - J. Maarten Troost
Five books I read in Georgia before I got to my site:
1) Into the Wild - Jon Krakauer (Love the movie...had to read the book)
2) The Art of Being Single - Judy Ford
3) Wild Things - Dave Eggers
4) The Definitive Guide to Stuff While People Like - Christian Lander (Makes fun of every and all trends...some I am guilty of being a part of lol)
5) This Twenty Something Life - Jon Rance
Five things I'm looking forward To:
1) Going and and exploring Tbilisi with my host sister sometime next week
2) Having my summer camp in Sagarejo
3) Receiving care packages from home...bring on the taco seasoning and peanut butter.
4) My overnight trip to Khevsureti with some of the G13s and G12s
5) The start of school...though I am kind of nervous about it....and when I say kind of i mean mortified